Dear Parents/Carers.
I hope you have all had a wonderful summer!
The staff teams and I are all very excited to welcome you and your children back to a new school term here at Lilycroft Nursery School. We are pleased to let you know that we have been able to lift the restrictions that were previously in place due to Covid-19 and are hoping that we can have a fantastic term with minimal disruptions.
We will of course, still be keeping up to the cleaning, washing hands lots and encouraging good respiratory hygiene, minimising overcrowding and doing our very best to keep your children, yourselves and our staff as safe as possible.
We will no longer be playing and working in separate ‘bubbles’ and the children will be free to play together in the outdoor space.
We are now able to welcome families into our building and there will be no need to wear a face covering unless you choose to do so.
You can now enter the building through the main door. Please try your best to arrive at the correct times for free 15 or 30 hrs sessions.
am: drop off 8.45 – 9.15am pick up 11.35am
pm: drop off 12.30 – 1.00pm pick up 3.20 – 3.30pm
The door will be opened at the above times and if you arrive early, you will need to wait outside to avoid overcrowding in the Reception area.
You are welcome to stay a short while to settle your child in, but please only stay as long as is necessary, as we would like to avoid overcrowding in the classrooms.
We will no longer be taking temperatures on arrival, but we will continue to ask you to wash your own and your child’s hands or use the hand sanitizer available.
Should your child be displaying any of the three main symptoms of Covid-19: High temperature, continuous / persistent cough, loss of taste or smell, please do not bring them to Nursery and book a PCR test ASAP.
Any adult showing symptoms should also stay away from the Nursery, isolate at home and book a PCR test.
We will no longer need to close classes if there has been a positive case of Covid-19 in the school. If your child has been in close contact with an individual who has tested positive, we will let you know and advise you to book a PCR test for them. However, they will not need to isolate.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, let us know and we will do our best to help.
See you on Wednesday!
Sian and the Nursery Team