What is the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)?
The EYPP was introduced by the government in April 2015. It is additional funding (roughly £342 per year per eligible child) for early years settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds. It is designed to narrow the attainment gap between young children from low-income families and their peers by improving the facilities, equipment and learning experiences to benefit the growth and development of eligible children. More information about the EYPP is available at www.early-education.org.uk/eypp-basics  

How can you help?

If you receive one of the benefits listed, we will be able to access this Early Years Pupil Premium for your child. We will need to make a note of your:

National Insurance Number
Date of Birth

We are then able to check your child's eligibility.


How will we use the extra money?

Communication - Real Experiences - Parents    

The extra funding that we receive from Early Years Pupil Premium will be spent on providing real experiences for our children and their families. We hope to inspire and enthuse everyone – children, parents and staff alike and encourage them to talk about their experiences and what they have learnt together. We will record experiences in different ways (photos, videos, drawings, audio) and revisit them with children and their families, encouraging talk and communication and reliving and consolidating the learning that took place.

We hope to take children out of Nursery as often as we can, to local parks, shops, libraries, theatres and further afield to farms, woods, beaches and other exciting places! We will take parents and carers too and aim to broaden horizons and show families some of the exciting things they can do with young children that will make learning real and memorable as well as lots of fun!

We will also organise lots of real learning experiences in Nursery! Children and families are central to all that we do and we involve them in all aspects of Nursery life. Children help to prepare the food for their snack. Last year children contributed to the redesign of our Nursery Garden and this year parents will be involved in deciding on the most important elements of our curriculum; which will impact on our curriculum design. 

Another key part of learning at Lilycroft Nursery School for children from two to five are the people (and animals) that we invite to visit us on a regular basis. Children and families have enjoyed visits from story tellers, dancers, musicians and artists, the Emergency Services and Birds and Animals galore! Click here to see our news of what we’ve been up to recently.

We are also very lucky to have a bespoke Lilycroft Nursery School Early Years enthusiast and specialist who works with our children on regular projects. Veronica is one of our most experienced and well-loved ex members of staff who worked at Lilycroft Nursery School for over 25 years, so knows the needs of our children and families inside out! Together we design sessions to suit the particular needs and interests of small groups and individual children, enabling us to focus precisely on the areas of learning and social / emotional well being that will engage them and enable them to progress.

The extra money from Early Years Pupil Premium enables all this to happen and for those eligible children has a recognisable impact on their learning, progress and achievement both now and in the future.


How much money have we received

Autumn Term 2023 Summer Term 2023 Spring Term 2023 Autumn Term 2022 Summer Term 2022

21% 16/75

children are eligible

£1, 824

38% 42/110

children are eligible

£4, 788

28% 23/82

children are eligible 

£2, 622


20% 12/61

children are eligible

£1, 368


19% 17/91

children are eligible 

£1, 938


What impact has there been?


Area of Learning

On Entry 22/23

At or Above

On Exit July 23

At or Above

On Exit July 2023

Good or better progress 

On Exit July 2023

Below good progress


Personal, Social and Emotional Dev


0/42 children


7/42 children


35/42 children


7/42 children


Communication and Language


0/42 children


7/42 children


37/42 children


5/42 Children


The impact of the additional experiences in these key areas of learning can be seen by the increase in numbers of children achieving At or Above Typical for their age on exit from Nursery and by the high percentages of good or better progress. 

The increased focus on CL in 22/23 led to improvements in this area for the group of learners in receipt of EYPP funding.

In 23/24 we continue to focus on CL but with a specific focus on The World through outdoor learning. Veronica will continue her project work around children's interests alongside their specific needs. 

EYPP Strategy Statement

Updated: 01/02/2023 171 KB