Children are admitted from our waiting list as places become available and/or they reach the eligible age. Children can attend from both the local area and further afield.

Our Admissions, Attendance and Transitions Policy (Policies section of this website) has more information.

To put your child’s name on the waiting list either telephone the Nursery School on 01274 545647, or come in to fill in a form.

We will contact you ASAP should you require a place immediately or by telephone approximately 8 weeks before your child is due to start. If you change your telephone number and/or address whilst your child is on the waiting list it is vital that you inform us so that we are able to contact you to offer your child a place.

Please put your child’s name on our waiting list early to avoid disappointment.

Should you no longer require a place please let us know.

We highly recommend that you come to see us to have a look around. Please telephone or pop in to make an appointment.

For more information from Bradford Council about allocation to nursery provision in a primary school please click here (then scroll down page).