Lilycroft Nursery School for children from two to five
Parent / Carer Guidelines for Returning to Nursery on
Mon 7th September 2020
The safety of your child, yourself and our staff is of the upmost importance at this time. We need you to support us to maintain health and safety by reading these guidelines carefully and following them at all times.
- Your child will be in a class ‘bubble’ with the same children and staff. Wherever possible, these groups will not mix or come into contact with one another whilst at Nursery.
- Only bring your child to Nursery if they are well enough and symptom free.
- Do not bring your child to nursery if they have symptoms. The main symptoms of coronavirus are:
- high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
- new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
- loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
- Do not give your child Calpol to bring down their temperature and then bring them to Nursery. If they have a temperature, you need to keep them at home. We will take your child’s temperature before they come in to the Nursery building and if it is high, we will ask you to take them home. Please have arrangements in place for this to happen.
- If your child develops symptoms whilst at nursery, they will be looked after by a member of staff in an ‘isolation area’ away from everyone else in their group. We will call you and someone must come to pick them up immediately. Please ensure that someone is always available to do this and that we have the correct emergency contact details for at least 2 people.
- It is an expectation that you will be ready and willing to book a test for your child if they have any symptoms of coronavirus. There are many ways to be tested in Bradford including drive through centres, walk in or home testing. Please book an appointment either by calling 119 or online at www.nhsuk/coronavirus. If you need support booking a test just let us know.
- If a child or member of staff in your child’s class bubble tests positive for coronavirus, you will be informed immediately and it is likely that the whole bubble will need to self isolate for 14 days. The rest of the household does not need to isolate unless your child develops symptoms themselves. If this happens you must let us know and book a test immediately. We will be able to support you with any concerns you may have.
- Nursery fees (for those who pay them) will not be charged if your child is required by us to self isolate due to a positive case in their class bubble. Otherwise, fees will be charged as usual for all sessions booked, even if your child is ill.
- Drop off and pick up times have been extended so that it doesn’t get too busy. Please make sure you arrive at designated times. If you are late, your child may not be able to come to Nursery that day.
am |
pm |
breakfast / tea |
drop off |
8.45am - 9.30am
12.30pm – 1.00pm |
7.45am – 8.15am |
pick up |
11.10am – 11.40am
2.50pm – 3.20pm |
4.00pm – 5. 45pm |
- Only one parent who is symptom free should drop off and pick up your child. Do not bring anyone else with you.
- Drop off and pick up your child at the outside door to their classroom (in the playground). You will enter the school grounds via the back gate in Farcliffe Place. Please be considerate of local residents. Walk to Nursery if possible, but if you must drive, park in another street and walk a short distance to avoid dangerous congestion outside Nursery. The Head teacher or other senior member of staff will be outside to ensure that everyone parks responsibly.
- Do not come right up to the door, stand at the designated point and let your child go to a member of staff. If your child is upset, please try to settle them outside in the playground. Unfortunately, you will not be able to come inside under any circumstances.
- If you need to talk privately to a member of staff, we will arrange to do this over the telephone rather than at drop off or pick up time.
- Please stay 2M apart from other families and staff. Remember to maintain social distancing at all times whilst in the school grounds. Please leave the school grounds as soon as you have dropped off your child. Do not congregate in groups outside the school gate as this increases risk for yourself and others.
- Please do not allow your child to bring in any toys or books from home. Our class library service will not be available. This is to avoid possible cross contamination between home and school.
- Unfortunately, there will be no indoor sand or ‘messy play’ activities at this time. This is so we can keep things as safe as possible.
- The playground will be split into sections so that children in different bubbles do not mix whilst playing outside, but children can still choose to play inside or outside for the whole session.
- Children will be supported to wash their hands often and use the ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ system of respiratory hygiene – catching their coughs and sneezes in a tissue, putting the tissue in the bin immediately and then washing their hands. Please will you help them to do this at home too.
- Children will be closely supervised whilst eating and all meals and snacks will be served in the classrooms in separate class bubbles whenever possible.
- There will be enhanced cleaning happening throughout the day and at the end of each session.
- Please talk to your child about coming back to Nursery – what they will do and who they will see. Please let us know if you or your child are worried about anything and we will do our best to help.
- If you have any questions please call the school on 01274 545647 and we will support you in any way we can.
- We are really looking forward to welcoming your child back to Nursery. Although things will be a bit different, we will do our best to make sure they are happy, learning and having fun!
Thank you for your help and support
Sian and the Nursery Team xx