Dear Parent / Carer,
I hope you and your families are well and coping as well as can be expected in these unusual and difficult times.
I am writing to give you an update on the current situation at St Edmund’s and Lilycroft Nursery Schools.
As you know, the schools are closed to most children until further notice. We are still able to provide care for the children of key workers and children who are vulnerable and in need. However, I must impress upon you the importance of keeping your children at home if at all possible as this is the safest place for them to be.
That said, should your circumstances dictate that your child needs to come to Nursery, we will do everything we can to support you.
As numbers of children attending have been very very low (only 1-3 per day across both schools), last week we teamed up with Midland Road Nursery School and our children were able to go there with some of our staff. This meant that we could minimise the numbers of staff needed and avoid too many people leaving their homes. Our children and staff were in a different classroom to observe social distancing and keep everyone as safe as possible.
It is now the Easter Holidays and numbers of children are even lower. Next week there are no children who need to come to Nursery, so the Nursery Schools will be closed. The following week (13th-17th April) there may be one or two children who need to attend so we will open for them if necessary. Whilst we are closed and anytime, you can contact us using the office email address:
office@stedmundsbradford.org.uk or office@lilycroftnurseryschool.com
Please do contact us if you have any questions or need support of any kind. If you are a key worker or vulnerable family and need your child to come to Nursery, this is how you should let us know. The office emails are checked regularly and we will get back to you quickly. If you would like me to give you a call, just ask, I would be very happy to do so.
Hungry Children – The government have set up a scheme which they hope will avoid any child needing to go hungry. If you are struggling to provide food for your family then we will be able to help. Please contact us via email and let us know. Times are even harder than usual for so many people, so please do get in touch. We are here to help you.
Coming Soon – Stories read by the wonderful staff at Lilycroft and St Edmund’s, for you and your children to listen to via our website. Look out for a text when we have one ready!
Website – explore our websites for inspiration and ideas to try at home. We will let you know via text as more content is added.
Take good care of yourselves everyone and be good to each other!
My very best wishes to you all