At Lilycroft Nursery School, we celebrate all children and families. We embrace diversity and recognise the rich contribution of each unique child. We believe that children and families need person-centred services, which promote full social participation, enabling everybody to maximise their health, well-being and life chances.

Our inclusive provision offers families of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) a range of options to meet their specific support needs. We always try to find a way to engage and support children and families as best we can. Children with SEND are supported by their key person, teachers, practitioners and where appropriate, external professionals and agencies. To ensure that children with SEND have access to their education and are adequately supported, the staff will undertake extra training to make sure that the needs of the children are met. All children in our provision have individual Record of Achievements that reflect their personal interests, learning and curiosities. Children with SEND are assessed using the ‘Developmental Journal’, which is a small steps approach to recording progress and supporting learning. Children with SEND also have a Personal Development Plan (PDP). This is reviewed on a regular basis in cooperation with parents. For children who will need additional support, at Nursery and in their further education, a request for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be sent to the Local Authority.

Lilycroft and St Edmund’s Nursery Schools have formed a federation in 2019. We share governing body, ethos, and practice.









St Edmund’s Nursery School is an Early Years Enhanced Specialist Provision (EYESP) Hub. At St Edmund’s Nursery School we offer a number of places for children with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) which are allocated by the Local Authority. The SEND team at St Edmund’s consists of one Senior SEND Early Years practitioner and six level 2 SEND practitioners. The SEND team is well skilled, trained and experienced in working with children with additional needs and disabilities. The team is led by the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCO)

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co Coordinator (SENDCO) for both schools is Ermina Kesedzic. We would highly advise any prospective parents with children with SEND to visit both schools prior to their child starting in order to make an informed decision.


Please have a look at the promotional video of Specialist Provision at St Edmund’s Nursery School.


SEND Policy

Local Offer

Inclusion Policy

Information Report /files/Lilycroft-s_SEND_Information_Report_September_2022_22.11.22.pdf

Accessibility Plan /files/Federation_Accessibility_Plan_Sept_22.pdf